
Saturday, June 12, 2010

We made it !

By now I suppose most of you know that we completed the ride on Thurs. afternoon. Along with the Goodrichs, we had a an escort from Deerfield on the last 2 days. On Wednesday Keith Streeter, in the alumni department, took us for a nice ride away from the traffic. You can't avoid the hills so we did about 5,000 ft. for the day.
The only problem was the rain which arrived for the last 2 hours of the ride. At the same time the temp. dropped significantly and so the end of the ride was pretty miserable. We ended the day in Shelborn Falls about 10 miles short. we still did 45 mi.
Thurs.,Nolan Bishop, a Sophmore on the Cycling Team, met us in Shelborn Falls to escort me into Deerfield. It was an easy ride of 15 mi. We arrived with the press waiting. Two television crews from two stations were there. It all started with the article in the Springfield (Ohio)News-Sun which apparently got picked up on the news wire. Anyway, I have have had telephone,internet and in-person interviews. Someone has even seen a story in the Minneapolis paper. I think that is the definition of a slow news day.
I am hopefully going to attach one of TV interviews. I will post more pics and update the itinerary soon. Final distance was about 865 mi.


  1. It was just THE best! That ride in with you and Nolan was a high-light for me. Can we not do it again??? Beth

  2. Hey Pete,
    Jimmy Fallon also mentioned you in his Friday night monologue.
