
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sat. & Sun. May 29,30

Yesterday and today were spent circumnavigating Buffalo and approaching the Erie Canal Bikeway. Buffalo has some wonderful bikepaths but no signage. riding along the Niagara River when your suddenly confronted with 8 ft tall construction fence and no detour sign. Also a good thing we were there yesterday instead of to today since the Buffalo marathon was run today(a real stampede).
Today was the first day on the Erie Canal Bikeway. An idyllic setting with canal and the overhanging trees. However the path itself is crushed stone and while for the most part it is quite serviceable it is is variable and sometimes you hit a soft patch. But no traffic and that is great. All in all a beautiful ride of 55.5 mi.


  1. Great job Pete! Keep up that pedlin and enjoy every minute. One week from today Beth & I look forward to climbing those hill of the Adorandacs. You'll be pulling us up just like Chechu did for Lance.

  2. Pete. It's Tom Stafford. I'd like to do a story on the ride. You can reach me at work (937) 328-0368 during the day and 399-7125 at night. Call when you can and we'll talk. I'll contact Peggy about getting high res photos to run with the story. Thanks.
